Glaucoma is an eye disease that gradually deteriorates your vision by causing damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma usually has no symptoms in its early stages and without proper treatment, glaucoma can lead to blindness. From
Sightly Diminished is a personal photographic journal of my experience battling Glaucoma. First diagnosed about 2013 my eyesight has gotten worse, even with the many eye drops I take every day. Some of the problems associated with Glaucoma include loss of visual resolution, color intensity, depth perception and middle tone perceptions making it difficult to see details in high contrast situations. There is no cure for Glaucoma,
Slide 1. Self Portrait with Lines and Floaters
Slide 2. Eye Drops
Slide 3. Vision in the Wild
Slide 4. Loose Disconnection
Slide 5. Step Challenge
Slide 6. Sunset
Slide 7. Oncoming Traffic
Slide 8. Dark Sea
Slide 9. Post-Op