Headshot Session: Bennett Garcia

Sometimes a sitting turns into something different than a straight headshot session. On the day I shot Bennett Garcia, I sensed a more quiet and introspective person than the contractor we have hired to do some construction on our property in Gloucester City, New Jersey.

This photo has very different lighting than most of the studio type images I have taken. Bennett was sitting in a room facing a large window with diffusion material on it. The window acted as my general exposure and fill light. On my right hand side I used a Godox strip box for the main light with and attached grid to narrow the direction of light that was dialed in at one stop higher than the ambient light.

After doing some of headshots and just before we were to attempt some 3/4 length portraits, I asked him to close his eyes and turn his head toward the strip box. The resulting photo was one that captured a peaceful and serene man of great faith.

One Small Step


Fifty years ago this week, American astronauts were making history by becoming the first humans to land on the moon. Sitting in a small bungalow in Lavallette, New Jersey, I watched along with my grandmother and an estimated 600 million others across the globe as Neil Armstrong floated off the ladder and became the first person to plant his feet on the moon’s surface. 

Thought to be impossible ten years earlier, a giant unified push by government, private industry and the American public made the moon landing achievable. Engineers and scientists developed new technologies and materials, solved old problems and conquered new challenges. It was America working together, America working at its best, and everything was possible.

Something has happened over the last fifty years. Science is no longer believed, technology becomes ever more dominant and our industries, politics and public struggle under the pull of distrust. 

Imagine, as a nation if we could again decide everything was possible, it would be a giant leap for mankind!